Saturday, February 3, 2007

Prayer Heals

Greetings to one and all!!
James 5:15 "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven."
I do not think that I will ever stop being amazed at what the Bible holds for us.  Every time I want specifically what it says about a certain topic I do not find one but usually ten or twenty verses relevant to what I was searching for!  God blesses us is so many ways and prayer is a huge blessing!  I know I wrote back in my early weeks about how God answers every prayer and some of the ways He answers prayers and I do not wish to repeat myself...I am hoping to center more this week on how He allows us to use prayer to have His healing hand used in our lives or in the lives of those we love.  The above verse sums it up so well I am not even sure what else to say!  God has spoken to us here through the letter to James and showed us that He will heal those who are sick if we have faith in what we pray for.  Faith and hope are as in the Romans verse I quoted in Week 15, from Chapter 8 verses 24-25, "For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." We can't wait until the healing has occurred to believe that God will accomplish it, we need to believe even in our lowest moments that the healing will happen because His Word and His promises are certain and sure.  He does not want us to suffer and He will grant us His healing powers through prayer all He is asking is that we believe Him and trust what He has promised us!  I know I am starting to sound like I think it is no big deal, piece of cake...but truly, especially in this day and time this is a big deal.  We are in a world that questions everything!  We need to not buy into that but rather buy into faith.  It will take a lot of prayer, maybe some queit study time in your Bible or maybe, hopefully, hearing it from me, but when we have that faith He will heal the sick we ask Him to.  Part of the reason I wanted to reflect on this topic today is because I had an amazing request this week.  A new found friend and sister in Christ was brought to me through my web site and she has allowed me to ask for your help.  Please join me in praying for our sister in Christ, Summer, please ask that God would heal her completely and bring her back from her coma to her loved ones.  Please also ask our heavenly Father to grant comfort and peace to her family as they remain faithful in prayer to Him as well.  My prayers for you each week always have me asking our Lord to please surround you with His love favor and blessings.  I also pray this week that He grant you the strength to believe His promise in faith and through faith as He will grant to you all that you may be needing. 
I hope and pray that you have an awesome weekend and week ahead!!!

Love through Christ,
***If you have special prayer requests please allow me to pray for you or your family/friends by leaving me a quick comment to this message***


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