Friday, September 21, 2007

The Caterpillar To The Butterfly

I recently re-read an unknown author's quote, "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."  Most who know me know that I absolutely LOVE butterflies so of course when I stumbled upon this quote it held a special meaning.  But what you may not know is why I love butterflies, what they remind me of...I think I have referred to one of my favorite verses before: II Corinthians 5:17 tells us, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  Butterflies remind me of this verse, the old caterpillar is gone and the new creature emerges with a completely new view on the world!  I think, as in the quote above, we are all like the caterpillar in regard to our spiritual lives and also in our daily battles with sin.  We have "all sinned and fall short of the glory of God," and some days it may feel that the evil around us is winning out and our whole world is ending.  But then, if & when we come to our Lord on our knees & truly repentant, we find that He washes us clean in the blood of the Lamb and grants us a new beginning, we become like the butterfly with a brand new view of the world and all that is in it when we draw close and listen for God's voice all around & in us.  For me this has been the roller coaster of my life!  I fall down, I get up, I stumble some more and hit rock bottom and come crawling to God begging Him to forgive me and to plant in my heart His desires for my life.  I still stumble some days, but the more I draw myself closer to God through prayer and through His precious Word, well the less time I spend with my face in the mud I guess!  God wants this for you my friends!  He wants to hear from you all the time, He is watching you and waiting for your voice, your precious voice to call on His name so He can grant you "the new" as well!  I am praying that you find your butterfly, your new view of this world that God is calling us to live in as His new creations.  Additionally, I pray that if ever you feel as if your world may be over then you feel God's peace within and you are drawn to Him & to His Word for your strength and new view.  Please pray for those in need of healing, strength & comfort.  I want to thank you each for your continued prayers for Summer!  Our Lord has helped her & her family in so many ways and we should praise His holy name continually.  She still has recovery needs and therefore I ask that we please continue to remember her in our prayers.  Again I also request that we please remember our service men & women as they daily put their lives on the line for us and for our country.  I am personally thanking God daily for each of you and for your continued interest in reading my thoughts.  I pray God may continue to use me to serve Him in whatever way He has planned for my life, including these weekly messages.  I hope & pray that you and your families have a safe, relaxing & blessed weekend and a blessed week ahead as well!
Love in Christ,

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