Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seek His Counsel

I Kings 22:5b "First seek the counsel of the Lord." 
How many situations in your life have required a well thought out plan and how many necessitated instant decision making?  As we grow physically & spiritually we travel through many stages, right?  Furthermore, depending  on what stage we are in now and which ones we've already been through, some maybe more than once, would affect each of our replies to my posed question.  Here's a better one though:  When you are faced with a choice/decision/situation that does require a more thought out plan who do you first turn to for advice?  In I Kings 22 two kings were faced with a possibility of war after several years of peace...Jehoshaphat tells the king of Israel, in so many words, he'll go with if there is to be a war but he adds the above quote from verse 5b.  Jehoshaphat knew, what I myself have been slowly learning, that if you want real results then seek God's advice.  Now I don't expect to hear some big booming voice or run into a burning bush...but then again I would never say never so anything is possible!  I believe that the most important thing is to remember is to seek God first, no matter what.  Seek Him always, in everything you do...when you are happy, seek to give Him glory & praises, when you are sad seek His comfort, when you worry seek His peace, just seek the Lord in all you do and He will grant you what you need according to His will!  It may not come as a first instinct right away but the more we push ourselves towards this then the more we can create a great habit in ourselves to first seek God in all that we are faced with.  I pray that we are all able to pray our way through any and all choices we are faced with this week.  I continually thank you for joining me in daily prayers for our troops, for those in need of healing & comfort and for Summer who continues her path of recovery.  I am personally grateful for your time and support each week as you read my messages and I pray for God's blessings to flow continually through each of your lives.  I hope & pray that you have ablessed weekend and week ahead!!!
Love through Christ,

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