Psalm 8:1 "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens."
So many times we use our Bibles to find comfort to heal our wounded pride, solace to shield our broken hearts and forgiveness for our sins. Yes, these blessings are all given and displayed to us in His holy Word...He does want us to find and use them, but we must not forget to also seek out the verses which are solely to praise His name. He has given us comfort, solace, forgiveness and all without our deserving it therefore we should fall on our knees and daily lift up our voices to shout Hosanna, Glory to the King of Kings! I have been recently waking up to the fact that I have not been praising Him nearly enough for all of the blessings in my life. He has done so much for me, for my family, for all of us...I have an air freshener in my car, it hangs from my passenger side sun shade {so it can be tucked up in there while driving to not cause a distraction} and it no longer smells like anything but I LOVE the saying so much I can't let go of it, "Dying was the most He could do for me...Living for Him is the least I can do." Powerful and true words, don't you think? Praising Him, true praise that glorifies Him and does nothing for ourselves, is that not also part of living for Him? There are so many more reminder phrases, catchy ones that jump to mind and they are all true and we know it but how much time do we truly devote each day to praising and glorifying our heavenly Father's holy name? Personally, not nearly enough...but I am working on that and this week I pray you will take time to praise Him daily. Please also continue prayers for Summer and her family...we join them in their praises which they never stopped giving to God even when things were touch and go in the beginning, we also ask our wonderful Lord and Savior to continue His healing of Summer to a full recovery if it be His will. Please pray for all those in need of His healing, physically, emotionally or spiritually. I ask that we additionally continue our daily prayers for our military service men and women and their families. Thank you each for your continued interest in reading my weekly thoughts, you inspire me to want a closer relationship with God and to want to share my faith with as many people as possible. Prayers and wishes for you each to have a blessed weekend and week ahead.
Love through Christ,
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