Saturday, June 2, 2007

Kindness Starts at Home...with you!

Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
I've seen this email floating about that gives scenes from a day in the life of one woman where she was kind and courteous in passing to a stranger but then when she got home she was short and rude with her own family.  It is a good lesson to be kind to one another but it is not to be forgotten that we must not forget to be kind to the ones we love the most and hold dearest and are blessed to have living under the same roof with us, no matter who they may be.  Don't get me wrong, I know how some days...dare I say many days, it is easier to be kind to a stranger in passing because they have never wronged you before.  That stranger never left the seat up so you fall in during that middle of the night run, nor did they nag you 15 times about taking out the garbage or folding the laundry...the people we live with have their habits, some which may get under our skin.  However, we must look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we don't also have a few habits that some others in our home may perceive as annoying.  Truthfully?  Come on.  Okay, I'll go first...OF COURSE I DO!  I know I am FAR from perfect.  I know I am a work in progress and I think the first item of business should be to take the advice of Paul in the Fourth Chapter of his letter to the church at Ephesus.  I am going to focus on being kind and compassionate to the others in my home.  My hope is that as I practice these fruits of the Spirit within my own family that they will become second nature as I go out into the world each day and interact with others.  Let's pray together this week that we can act with kindness and compassion towards those who we share a roof with.  May God grant us His Spirit's guidance each time we feel the urge to speak or act unkindly that He may help us stay on His path to becoming more and more like Him, especially at home.  Please continue to join me in praying for healing of Nick, Wayne, Pat, Sharleen, Meg, Summer and this week I ad myself to the healing prayer as I am recovering from a nasty bout with the flu.  God is so good and He has a perfect plan with perfect timing for all of life's ups and downs.  I ask the we always remember our service men and women, and their families in our daily prayers...they give so much for us and prayer is such a wonderful gift and truly with how Big and mighty our God is it is not a small one!  Each week as I come to you with my thoughts, the thoughts God has inspired and blessed me with, I feel blessed and honored that you continue to allow me to be a small part of your week.  I pray our kind, loving, compassionate, merciful Lord will bless, protect and inspire each and everyone of you.  May He grant you His favor and blessings in the awesome week ahead!!!
Love through Christ,

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