Happy New Year to one and all!
I sincerely apologize for not typing last weekend. I was sick and slept a lot but thought of you and I pray you had a blessed Christmas.
The Passage I am reading this week = Philemon 1:4-6 "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
That one hits me in the heart dead on! I thank God every day for each and everyone of you reading this! I know that by choosing to read this, choosing to want to receive these emails from me weekly you have faith in our Lord Jesus. I pray that God will inspire me to inspire you all so that we may each grow in our understanding of His Word and may be able to inspire others by sharing this faith. New Year's is a "holiday" of new beginnings for many people, resolutions are made, and usually we all get optimistic about how we will change for the better in the coming year. Being a Christian is a little like having New Year's every day because we are all New Creations in Christ {II Corinthians 5:17}. We strive every day to change for the better and if we mess up today we can be assured that when we fess up to our mistakes and ask Him for His awesome forgiveness then it's done, we're washed clean, new start!!! Talk about wondrous love!!! God created us even though He knew it would mean sending Jesus to save us later on. If you are reading this and thinking that I am not talking to you then you need to re-read partner. If you are saying to yourself that you aren't strong enough in your faith to actively share it and so I must not mean you then you are horribly mistaken. I mean you!! Even if you do not share today, you have faith and in time with prayer you will be able to share it. You can inspire by actions instead of words and you are still sharing your faith. You can strive tomorrow for what you didn't have strength or courage for today because every day can be and is a new beginning my friend! I will tell you this fact, I do not still fully understand every good thing we have in Christ but I am finding more and more each day! We have each other in Christ, we have food, shelter, clothing, faith, hope, love...the greatest of them all is LOVE! {I Corinthians 13:13} I pray we can all make a "resolution" to slowly but surely become more active in sharing our faith either with words or deeds. I pray we are able to see each day as a new beginning in Christ who made us, who saves us and who loves us more than we can even dream. I know it sounds repetitious but I truly continue to pray daily that you each are surrounded and protected by God's love favor and blessings, this day, this weekend and always. Prayers are going up also that you and yours have a safe, happy, healthy and blessed start to the New Year!
Love through Christ,
***If you have special prayer requests please allow me to pray for you by sending me a quick response to this email***
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