Hello and Happy day to one and all!
While reading Stasi her bedtime devotion Monday night I was inspired by the verse it was centered around. Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Whoa! You think those words are powerful and such an awesome explanation? Well, if you are like me you will. When you have a few minutes I would encourage you to read all of Chapter 11 because it is all about what faith has accomplished throughout the Bible. My grandparents, who are one of the great sources of faith in my life, gave me a Concordia Self-Study Commentary for Christmas. In its introduction to Hebrews it talks about the purpose of the letter to the Hebrews and how, "they were growing disspirited...the continuous pressure of public content...had ceased to progress their faith." Ok, I do not know about you, but that sounds a lot like it was being written to us, in this day and time. Are we not constantly reminded of the "continuous pressure of public content" every time we pick up a newspaper or turn on the news? No more prayers in school, careful not to offend anyone by speaking freely about God in the workplace and Christmas is no longer Politically Correct! However I am getting away from the positive, inspiring points I wanted to focus on. "Being sure of what we hope for," is a hard concept to grasp, let alone to live by. I now believe I am sure of what I hope for, but it has taken quite a road to get me to this point in my faith. Now I am sure that God will grant these hopes to me, even if not in the exact form I am thinking of. He will grant us our hopes when we stay steadfast in our faith thru the hard times. That last part of the verse seems to me like it can be a lot of fun to toss around different examples of. For instance, we cannot see the air {except on a below 0 day in Chicago
} but still we are quite certain it is there. You know, I've never seen gravity, but I can bet we've all experienced it's pull at some awkward point or another! So true is it also for we who believe in God that we cannot see Him yet we are very certain He exists. God, angels, heaven, air, gravity, they all exist and they are unseen mysteries that we place our faith in. For lack of a better description, HOW COOL! I just can't get over how it is so simple and so complex all at the same time. The simple truth is no matter how hard life gets, we know God is there and when we keep our hope in Him, that's faith...and when we hold onto that faith it makes each day, each hour...no each moment that much more uplifting! I pray you each have a faith filled weekend and week ahead. May God smile upon you and inspire you to be certain of what you cannot see. I pray He grants you each protection and deliverance from whatever you may need this week. I continue to pray that God surrounds you with His love, favor and blessings this day, this week and always. Have an awesome week ahead!
Love through Christ,
Love through Christ,
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