Habakkuk 3:2 "Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."
Hello and a Happy Day to all!
I have to admit, part of the reason I like that verse is because it has an awesome message doubled with praise. However, part of why I like it is because it is just so much fun to say, "Habakkuk!" Don't you think? If kids these days weren't so mean I would love to name a child after Habakkuk, though I honestly need to do some more research on Habakkuk because know very little about Habakkuk other than it is a 3 Chapter book in my beloved Bible. I love verses that praise our Lord because when I am high on that hill they give me even more to proclaim to His name...and when I am low in the valley, then the praise verses remind me to lift His name on high no matter what I am going thru. The more and more I praise God and read His word and pray...well, the more I, like Habakkuk, am in awe of all of His deeds. I had to pray when I reflected on this verse that again, now in our day and time, we need the Lord to renew His deeds and make His presence known in our world. I could go on and on all night over how it disturbs me to see how God is being pushed further and further from so many people and places in this world. It stirs up so many emotions in me, sadness, anger, fear and determination. I am sad for the people who so vehemently deny His Word, His love and His very existence and I pray that they may be touched by the Holy Spirit and saved. I am angry at those who are shouting at the top of their lungs that their rights as Americans are being violated by Christians, or the use of Christmas and other "Religious" names for holidays. I fear where this world is heading and what struggles my daughter will face as a Christian growing up in this age of unfaithfulness, I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide her footsteps and that therefore her steps will not slide. I am determined that my immediate family and I will continue to go to church each week and surround ourselves daily in His word, His love and reston His promises. I cannot recall the Book, Chapter or the verse, but I remember there being a passage in the Bible that tells us not to worry. We need to place 100% trust in the Lord and take Him at His word. Easier said than done, I know! I am still personally going thru the roller-coaster of trusting Him entirely. The more I pray, the closer I feel I am getting to reaching that goal and I KNOW He will help me get there as I continue to ask Him for His help.
Tonight, from chilly Chicago, I pray that you can find time to stand back and awe at the wonders of our Lord...be it a sunset, a cloud that looks so pretty it seems fake, a flower that should not have bloomed this long, or whatever you may find. I pray that God shows you His deeds and has mercy on us all. I continue to pray that God surrounds you with His love, favor and blessings this day, this week and always. Have an awesome weekend and week ahead!
Love through Christ,
Love through Christ,
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