Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Impossible Fears?

This Week's Combined Readings
from "The One Year Devotional Guide":
Genesis 46-Exodus 9:35
Matthew 15:1-19:30
Psalm 19:1-24:10
Proverbs 4:14-6:5

Next Week's Combined Readings
from "The One Year Devotional Guide":
Exodus 10:1-23:13
Matthew 20:1-24:28
Psalm 25:1-29:11
Proverbs 6:6-7:23

Hello to one and all!!
I've missed these emails and typing to you each week! Baby and I are doing great and I am starting to feel more normal energy-wise...most days! Please update me on any prayer requests you would like for us to include in our prayers and also if you no lonoger wish to receive these weekly emails. Thanks for your patience with me getting back on my feet!

Focus Verse(s): Exodus 3:4 - 4:17
The One Year Devotional Guide asks this week, "How did Moses respond when God told him to go lead the Israelites out of Egypt?" Well, he totally freaked out!! Moses was positivley scared out of his mind! First, when God starts to speak to him in chapter 3 verse 6 Moses hid his face. Then, in the rest of this passage I believe I count 5 times where he tries to talk God out of using him. So, I started asking myself, 'Why does God take this man, who seems to be such a chicken, and turn him into one of the great men of the Old Testament?' Well, I believe I found my answer in Matthew 19:26b: "with God all things are possible." Moses and his entire story exemplify this truth! In today's turbulent times, with the state of the economy, the warring nations abroad, and the increasing violence here in the States, it is easy to become scared ourselves. Moses plight seemed impossible to him and our fears may seem impossible to overcome today... However, in II Timothy 1:7 Paul teaches, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." So, I believe we need to lean heavily on the sound mind we've been given by our loving God, with whom all things are possible, and conquer our fears through His power. We can remember Moses and how God used him in spite of all his fears and doubts...likewise I think God will use each of us in great ways too! Please join me in prayer:

Father God,
I have had my fearful moments when I have not fully trusted You and leaned on Your power. However, Your Word teaches me that You did not give me a spirit of fear. Please help me to cling to this knowledge every time the evil one tries to spring that fear on me and help me to lean on Your power to overcome the impossible. Lord, I want to thank You for all of Your leaders in Your world, Your countries and most especially in Your churches. Please continue to bless all of them and continue to grant them Your wisdom so that they may lead us, Your people, in the right direction. We also thank You for all of Your soldiers, young and old, present and past and we pray that You please bless and protect them as well as Your families which You surround them with today and always. Father, You alone can heal us, no matter what ails us. Please grant You extraordinary healing, be it spiritual, emotional, physical or mental, to all those in need but especially to Lee, Pam, Jeff, Helen, Larry, George, Karen, Mark & Lynn, Gary, Tim, Jeff, Joy, Ward, Jeff and all those we each name to You now. God we know that Your will is perfect and therefore we ask that all these things be done according to Your wishes and not our own. We pray all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Have a blessed and awesome weekend and week ahead!!!

Love through Christ,

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