Happy Thursday to one and all!
I want to thank you all for your continued interest in receiving the Weekly Thoughts emails, they have been so much of a huge blessing to write and you have each been blessings to me as well. I also want to thank those of you who joined in praying for my family and I, things have not drastically changed but our outlooks have stayed positive and we can feel God's presence in our lives!
As I am sure you noticed our prayer list has grown quite a bit and I want to thank you each for praying with me each week as I send out the Weekly Thoughts. I would like to ask that when you think of it, may you please remember these individuals in your daily prayers? It is my personal belief that prayer is the most powerful free gift we can give and it is in the top 2 or 3 as far as the best tool God has granted us! If I can supply updates I will however some of these requests are coming to me from "parties" twice or three times removed from the person we are praying for and so the best I can say is that when they are no longer given to me on prayer lists then hopefully that means they are doing much, much better.
Again, I am sincerely and deeply grateful for each and every one of you and your time each week and I thank you for joining me in prayer for these brothers and sisters in Christ who need our spiritual hugs. Please do not hesitate to ask me to add someone to our prayer lists. Confidentiality is key and I use only first names in my emails to protect privacy since these Thoughts emails are also posted online for anyone to read.
You can never have too many prayers!
Love through Christ,